Wednesday, November 21, 2012
They touched my heart
This burst me into tears. Poor that little baby.
"Be a good girl". Her dad had to get ready for battle & may not return.
How could someone kill these lovely children of Gaza & Syria?
Insafi diri
I wasted my life before...
I thought I have everything...
I thought I find serenity in my own way...but I never.
I lost in my own world...far from His path.
I claimed myself as a muslim but shame on me because I hardly embrace Islam...
Until I woke up that night & found my soul empty. Completely empty.
I said, "Dear Allah, forgive me & all..."
Now my life is about looking for "redha" Allah swt. I will never stop asking for His forgiveness for the rest of my life. I'm afraid that I could lost again in this world.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Pray for Gaza
Boss isn't coming as he got meeting at somewhere else. So, i do what i want. Leading my team of nearly 40ppl from QA dept, we gathered as usual on Monday morning but this time, we prayed for Palestine. Al Fatihah to all the victims including mujahedin, women & children of Gaza who died of Israel's attack since Thursday.
"Israel army is the most cowardly army on earth", said Norman Finkelstein (a Jewish). Shame on you Netanyahu for killing innocent people of Gaza City.
Hijrah seorang hamba
Cukup sudah keseronokan dunia...
Terasa diri ini kosong...
Ntah apa yg dicari selama ini...
Hanyut dalam duniawi.
Alhamdulillah, d bukakan hati utk kembali kepada Allah
Senaskah Al Quran kini sdh cukup bt diri ini dlm mencari ketenangan.
Sesungguhnya Islam itu indah.
Mohon agar d tetapkan hati ini pada Allah swt.
Terasa diri ini kosong...
Ntah apa yg dicari selama ini...
Hanyut dalam duniawi.
Alhamdulillah, d bukakan hati utk kembali kepada Allah
Senaskah Al Quran kini sdh cukup bt diri ini dlm mencari ketenangan.
Sesungguhnya Islam itu indah.
Mohon agar d tetapkan hati ini pada Allah swt.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Book in my store
Nice cover, isn't it?
I went to Hasani bookstore & i bought some books. One of them is above title. The reason i bought it at first place is because I was fascinated by its cover hehe...& then the contents. Dari mata turun ke tu ler.
Anyway, i've no idea about many things i can do & not allowed to do during this time. Now, i learn a lot. If u do not intend to buy, you can Google to get information on this. It's good. Really....u dont have to sleep all the time...What matter is the knowledge. Practice comes later.
Well, sharing is caring...
I have deactivated the previous account due to some particular reasons. I dont really spend my time there but ...i'll see it when im free.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Woman & stuffs
My sister in law, well...she have passion for all the woman stuffs starting from fashion design (clothes,handbag,shoes) to make up tools. You'll always see her a stylish appearance (not too over like celebrities) especially at special or any events she had attended to. She's like our consultant when it comes to fabric materials, designs & ...stuff like that. I think she's the one who always see 'the look' or appearance is something not to be ignored as we (women) step into the outside world. I always love seeing her dressed in all that. She looks amazing...elegant & graceful. Very confidence!
But I'm not part of it...i dont do make up. I dont wear nice clothes. I only have passion for handbag & shoes. And i had a chance to talk to her last nite about one of our favorite handbag designs...She offers me a branded one with half price! Ya Allah, cantek ler pulak...tergugat iman ku lepas nengok nyer di google. I told her to bring it to me so i could see it for myself before making deal. Duh, I'm done!
Monday, October 1, 2012
Not to be missed...
Some pictures taken during last raya. I know this is quite late (due to taking break from blogging for a while) but they are surely not to be missed...
Eksen je lebih...muahh
Kuah lodeh ats dapur...
mmm...belasah ketupat
Selamat Hari Raya 2012
Baju raya xbli pon
sepupu sepapat
How old am i?
I am 31 today.
I usually do not really bother with my birthday. You know doesn't matter whether you celebrate it or not. Not like you have to celebrate it. I don't really care. I don't need a cake or blow out number of candles on i don't...
Things i always do on my birthday -
I will recall all the past memories, all the journey that i had been through in my life...all the people i've met. Nice things or bad far i have gone or climbed up or may be rolling down to the bottom...
At 31 yrs old,
I think i'm done. Let go everything i have...or what i am before without turning back (i wish i could stay, insya allah). It's a big transformation in my life so far in searching for something called 'ketenangan & kebahagiaan' blessed by Allah s.w.t.
At 31 yrs old,
I met someone...who came to me that day. I have no idea he's been there more than a year watching me from a distance. I cant go details on this because we are still at the beginning of relationship & there are lot of things for me & him to think off tape!
At 31 yrs old,
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Last dinner
Last week on Sept. 22nd , we had a dinner in Sg Petani to bid farewell to our dear boss/QA Manager En
Shahrudin aka En Din who decided to leave the company &
mostly QA Dept after 13years of service. Well known as the most
dedicated & hardworking manager with humble personality & super high patience level...someone who always being nice to everyone from makcik sapu sampah to
upper level & so on
He always be calm no matter what problem comes in.
Istighfar is all he knows...there are things abt him we dont like, but
we rather keep quiet bcoz he just an example of the best manager we ever
had in the house...So, thank you for everything! Thank you for the tazkirah as well! He used to sound me on clothes & hijab issues. It cost me to pay attention on it when we work outstation.
And because of his, u will always see me with long sleeve when i'm out. Berkat tazkirah seorang boss...thank you. Wish u all the best!

A gift for him from all of us
Makan no. 1
Oopps...this is nothing
A Natural Woman
Looking out on the morning rain
I used to feel so uninspired
And when I knew I had to face another day
Lord, it made me feel so tired
Before the day I met you life was so unkind
And you're the key to my peace of mind
'cause you make me feel
You make me feel
You make me feel like a natural woman
When my soul was in the lost and found
You came along to claim it
I didn't know just what was wrong with me
'til your kiss helped me name it
Now I'm no longer doubtful of what I'm living for
And if I make you happy I don't need to do more
'cause you make me feel
You make me feel
You make me feel like a natural woman
Oh, baby, what you done to me?
You make me feel so good inside
And I just wanna be close to you
You make me feel so alive
You make me feel
You make me feel
You make me feel like a natural woman
Note: A song by Aretha Franklin
I used to feel so uninspired
And when I knew I had to face another day
Lord, it made me feel so tired
Before the day I met you life was so unkind
And you're the key to my peace of mind
'cause you make me feel
You make me feel
You make me feel like a natural woman
When my soul was in the lost and found
You came along to claim it
I didn't know just what was wrong with me
'til your kiss helped me name it
Now I'm no longer doubtful of what I'm living for
And if I make you happy I don't need to do more
'cause you make me feel
You make me feel
You make me feel like a natural woman
Oh, baby, what you done to me?
You make me feel so good inside
And I just wanna be close to you
You make me feel so alive
You make me feel
You make me feel
You make me feel like a natural woman
Note: A song by Aretha Franklin
Friday, August 31, 2012
Short Notice
Pijadoscene will take a break from blogging for a while following to her personal reason as she wants to concentrate on her new relationship with a mystery man who she met during Ramadhan.
Till then, admin will take over her blog & update all the related items accordingly.
Madly In Love
Pijadoscence is reported madly in love with someone! A source told us that a guy has proposed her instantly this early Ramadhan after keep his feeling more than a year for her. But no one knows whether they will get married soon or not.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
New chapter with awkward things to say. It seems to change everything...& it's so strange. I hope i have a courage to get through all these awkward moment...
I have no idea what or who to blame's crazy & doesn't make sense at all...ahh
I have no idea what or who to blame's crazy & doesn't make sense at all...ahh
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Selamat Berpuasa
Owh...i have been eating too much recently. I should eat less. But with Ramadhan coming, i don't think i fact, i will eat more!!! nyamm nyammm :)
Happy fasting to all the Muslims around the world. May Allah bless all of us.
Happy fasting to all the Muslims around the world. May Allah bless all of us.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Lamb or beef?
If i had to choose between lamb & beef steak, I would go for lamb because of it's tender & juicy compared to beef. I prefer grilled lamb steak or chop with medium or well done cook. Rib would definitely be my favorite. Unfortunately, i found the price is quite expensive & i cannot always have it when i eat outside. Mahal lorrr...
"Meh cigu ngajor ni haa: bhgn2 kambing"
Ready to eat...Mmmm...
Monday, June 18, 2012
Adele's 21 backs to no. 1 on Billboard
Adele's 21 backs to no. 1 on Billboard chart for the 24th consecutive weeks. She's amazing. I can say that she is now quite pretty famous here in Malaysia after winning 6 Grammy awards last March. No one in Malaysia will notice her if she didnt win that nite. Not only Grammy, she also walked away with 12 Billboard awards last month.
Fact abt me on Adele's 21:-
I love all her songs but one song that i can't stop listening to since a year ago is her smash hit Rolling In The Deep.
She is incredibly amazing!
Me & lollipop
Last week, i got my lips peeled after having an orange flavored lollipop in my office. Someone gave it to me for free. And then 15 minutes later, i felt something wrong with my lips. It started out as dry & then went horribly chapped where some red spots can be seen clearly on my bottom lip. I had to put lip balm for every 15minutes just to keep it moist all the time & helped cover up the peeling area. It looks like someone has bitten my lips!
I cant take lollipop because my lips are allergic to it. Last time i had it around 2003. Having lollipop is most likely a bad idea for me.
Having some fun
Back in May (after kenduri at Mersing, Johor)
Actually, this is not part of the plan. We are supposed to check out from hotel on the next morning but we left it before midnight. My parents, they left Johor earlier than us. So, they were not around this time. I smell the opportunity of having fun at Genting! I told my brother i want to go to Genting Highland because i havent been there almost 20yrs! Well, u guys been there like many time! Oh, take me there. I need some fresh air!
Eat first!
Having fun?
Enjoy the fresh air!
That was hilarious ride! Well I got on Space Shot too!
Filming Indiana Jones! Dino is next.
On boat! Happy together...
Suddenly camera's batteries ran out...blupp
Note: Next target is Universal Studio probably in S'pore xxx ceh!
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Old Friend
I met old friend Maisarah last month. She already married & has a son. It's been almost 5 years i havent met her. I got a phone call from someone the other day. It was her. I never expect Mai to contact me. I was quite surprised when she phoned. She got training here in Permatang Pauh. We decided to go out & I took her to a new restaurant in town called Pauh Garden. The food is very quite good & the price is ehem ehem too. We choose to stay in the building instead of outside 'open-air' area because the rain was coming. Guess what? About 15minutes later, it was raining heavily that night. It kept me cool for the entire nite.
We talked mostly about our life. How far we life, career, politic, parenting, gossips & so on. About me being solo...Mai being overweight after 3 years getting married...bla bla...In between, we laughed out loud. She seemed happy with her life. She said to me, "oh u cant go on living like this, please get someone! i cant believe u still single...what a waste!"...And i was mad at her because she didnt invite me to her wedding. What the hell is that? I rejected all excuses given by her.
I drove home with smile on my face.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Snow White & The Huntsman
When u think of snow white, what do u see? Certainly a colorful movie, "Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs" of Walt Disney version. Well, have u ever known that the real snow white is not colorful as pictured in movie for children? I dont even know. I grew up with "Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs" not "Snow White & The Huntsman". They said the Universal version is the real one. This latest Snow White is much darker & totally different from the Disney. What surprising me, The Huntsman is the real hero here not the seven dwarfs or prince. I see...they've been cheating on us all this while...
Should kids go & watch SWATH?
No. Kids would ask u too many questions.
Selamat Pengantin Baru - Zakri + Maisarah
Fine. We had a ‘sederhana kenduri’ which mum & dad only
concerned about preparing such a good & tasty food to be served for our guests.
No music/D.J or any bands as showing respect to the neighborhood. Anyway, i
cant stand the D.J who plays music very loud at kenduri. Sometimes, we hardly
hear people talk to us. Ohh i hate that. I would always go like, “i beg your
pardon, what? & “what again?” an idiot. It’s like being at
club or fun fair rather than kenduri. Yeah, something like that. For me, no D.J or music is
much better. More exclusive & private. What a pleasure...Anyway, selamat pengantin baru to my brother Zakri & his wife Maisarah.
It was not me...
Oh, i got only one post since May & it ruins my record as a blogger this year. I got a lot to write but let’s
see whether i have enough time today! To be honest, i was completely busy...u
know, like ‘f***kin’ busy! I dont even have time for myself. In fact, my
brother’s big day also happened to be on last month. Well, he’s now married to
a very lovely & nice gurl. A Johorian born. I was being told by my mother that
most of family & friends asked the same question during invitation. They
went like, “Which one is getting married this time, is it the gurl (obviously
me)?”. Mum would go like, “Oh no, not that one. The other one, my son”.
Well, they were completely wrong if they thought it was me. Not me.
Well, they were completely wrong if they thought it was me. Not me.
My younger brother & his wife with mum & dad me. Single & available! Haha...
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Ohh no!
I was like "wow!" before that & then 2 minutes later I went like "omg, oh yeah? & why is that?" hahaha...u would laugh out loud at me if u see me with that kind of look. I look stupid. I'm talking about Monaco F1 Grand Prix qualifying result last nite. Ahh..what a frustrating to see Schumi...he's my favorite driver...dropped 5 grid places from the 1st pole position. They gave him penalty for causing collision at last round. It means Schumi will start his Monaco race today at 6th place. could u win Monaco if u dont even stand a chance to win that race. That is shit.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
WHY BN is so afraid of BERSIH rally?
The 8 things claimed by us can make such a big impact on the next 13th
general election. They might lost another states to the Opposition
Parties of which they (Najib & the geng) dont want.
You know, it supposed to be
SPR who should be afraid of BERSIH rally but seemed SPR (suruhanjaya
pilihan raya) overshadowed by
BN, it makes BN now more afraid than the SPR itself does.
Do you get that? Do you, UMNO get that?
That's the reason why all the pro BN media which are controlled by BN as well, labelled the BERSIH rally as rubbish.
Well Mr Najib, bear in your mind that your & your cronies future political status are in our hands not BN.
Well Mr Najib, bear in your mind that your & your cronies future political status are in our hands not BN.
Bersih 3.0 - We do not afraid anymore
It was a huge success! I believe in unity but unfortunately i wasnt there. I got Bersih t-shirt & banner prepared two weeks earlier but failed to make it to Dataran Merdeka due to undefined reason here. Owh, I was really mad. Didnt want to give up, I joined the crowd at Padang Kota Lama here in Penang. Lots of people gathered here since 12p.m. Most of them were Chinese. Malay/Mami? Probably still watching Hindustan at home. Not well educated abt electoral system in Malaysia. In fact, know nothing but strongly said, "Bersih bodo & bla blaaa..., negara dh xaman...". Psst! You know...u can read some stupid comments from these idiots in you tube/fb who against Bersih rally...ahh so pathetic! They know nothing abt the 8 things claimed by us. They only know:
1) "Police being hit by ppl. Kejam Bersih ni ".
- hah? checkout the video below.
Being hit because he ran over the ppl. (polis yg xmacho/penakot) klu betoi polis, patotnya dia stop dr mula lg.)
The police car shouldnt be there, they have bad records in the eyes of all bersih supporter based on the past demo. Ppl tend to get angry when they see police around. They call police as anjing BN. Demo will be at peaceful when there's NO POLICE AROUND. This is clear as you can see where there were police, for sure there would be a chaos. The police should watch it from a distance & not get into the beehive as if they are the superhero here. Once got stuck, dont blame us! (What? Get into beehive??? halo, do u mind leave us alone in peace ok)
2) "Ambiga who is the organizer is also involve in gay stuff. Do not join her especially Malays".
- So, join Najib. Najib bagus...Come on laa Malays, we fight for something here not for Ambiga laaa. If Najib organizes Bersih 4.0, I will also join him laaaa. We are talking abt the 8 things here. Do u know what are the 8 things huh?
3) "Malaysia dah x aman dah. No peace."
- Propa made by BN's media such TV3/RTM/Utusan/Berita Hairan. If you checked on the photos, there were Chinese, Indians & Malays joined the rally. We call this "unity". We spoke for one thing in order to change Malaysia's electoral system. Even jom heboh can't join these 3 races together in one event.
Almost 250k ppl gathered yesterday in KL & that was a huge number so far in history. Well Najib, ppl have spoken. We MALAYSIAN do not afraid any more. We know our rights & the world...the world is watching us.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
The Woman In Black
I bought two dvds last nite at pasar malam. One of them is The Woman In Black. It was about Harry Potter discovers a woman who is vengefully terrorizing the locals by killing the children because her child was taken away from her. Not too scary for a coward like me but the ending was a letdown for me. Cant be that way...ahhh. It was crap.
Probably because Harry got no magic to spell on. Well, lucky i dont have to pay more for it.
Note: You dont see Harry but Arthur Kipps.
Friday, April 20, 2012
I'm so tired
Yesterday, i spent my time in office finalizing all 22 graphs of aluminum elements. I cant keep my self quitting it until i got all reports done & passing it to my boss on the same day. Sick of it! I had been collecting data since 2weeks ago & my eyes can't take it anymore with those numbers rolling up & down on my computer screen. After pushed the "send" button (via email), i felt like "Ahh...that's it, thank you..thank you! Im going home peacefully!".
On my half way home, I forgot that i had left my purse in my drawer & had to turn back to my office. I wish i didnt have to, but my car ran out of petrol & it could only go probably for another 15km away which was definitely not enough to make to the "final cross". If i didnt turn back, u would have seen me waving my hand at the roadside or swearing at my car ******'shit.
When i open my eyes, I found my uniform still on me. I was too exhausted that i fell asleep in my bed. It's 3 half something a.m now...
Note: Shit does happen sometimes
On my half way home, I forgot that i had left my purse in my drawer & had to turn back to my office. I wish i didnt have to, but my car ran out of petrol & it could only go probably for another 15km away which was definitely not enough to make to the "final cross". If i didnt turn back, u would have seen me waving my hand at the roadside or swearing at my car ******'shit.
When i open my eyes, I found my uniform still on me. I was too exhausted that i fell asleep in my bed. It's 3 half something a.m now...
Note: Shit does happen sometimes
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Fire red Preve
It was launched by Najid last nite & I didnt know until my friends at the office talked about this Preve (1.6). They said it was a nice & gorgeous looking sedan car at affordable price around rm60k. It's available in 6 colors which are red, silver, brown, blue, black & white. I havent seen the actual car yet & hope I can go to Proton this weekend to join others. At least when ppl ask me, i would go like "yes, i've tried already"...haha. No idea whether i would like it or not. Even my friend, Mie Teow has insisted me to change my car & recommended me to buy Preve from someone who can settle at 2.9% interest. Waahh, excitednyerrrr!
Unfortunately, I will not buy any cars & my statement, it goes on until next year. May be next 2/3 years. I dont have passion for cars though some of you might feel like having one good car can make you look cool or stylish. As for me, I dont need it just to convince my self that i look great or cool in it. I rather keep or enjoy my money than give it away monthly to the bank.
Unfortunately, I will not buy any cars & my statement, it goes on until next year. May be next 2/3 years. I dont have passion for cars though some of you might feel like having one good car can make you look cool or stylish. As for me, I dont need it just to convince my self that i look great or cool in it. I rather keep or enjoy my money than give it away monthly to the bank.
I just hope that my kancil will not give me any trouble!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Muslimah fashion
I think Muslimah fashion that we have seen on TV or media today can be classified as an extreme fashion & not suitable with real Muslimah as claimed in Islam. It was ridiculous, ugly, funny & shameful to be put forward as examples of what we should be practice in actual. In fact, muslimah fashion today has been commercialized by some local designers who i call "idiots" for sending a wrong message about the real muslimah fashion is...ohh stop it!
muslim fashion? obviously not!
Welcome back mercy!

Wooooohooooo!!! Nico Rosberg of Mercedes won Chinese F1 Grand Prix Race yesterday after claiming pole position during qualifying session on Saturday. While team-mate, Schumi out of race due to pit stop error (hmm geram nih). Im not into Nico but his success last week shows that Mercedes has improved a lot & i can feel Schumi now is on his way back to the top though not aggressively. Come on Schumi! Beat them up.
Im into F1 because of Schumi. Really?
Im into F1 because of Schumi. Really?
Bersih 3.0

Tell you what...if u A.B.U, do join BERSIH 3.0 on this April 28th. It will be held at Dataran Merdeka without DBKL's permission (to date). The objective is to fight for free & fair electoral system. Please wear anything with yellow color to show support to the rally. Dont forget to bring a packet of salt too in case they fire us with tear gas or water cannon. I'll be there. The more yellow colors Najib sees, the crazy he & UMNO's members will be. Waaargggghhh...warrgghh :)To those who know nothing what BERSIH 3.0 is all about, read below. Tuntutan sama mcm BERSIH 2.0 sebab 1 shj yg ditunai during last yr iaitu penggunaan dakwat kekal.
Note: What is A.B.U? It is Asalkan Bukan Umno. Not rejected OK. We call it ANYTHING BUT UMNO.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
What coffin?
One of the lab machines breakdown. While the service engineer gets his job done I stayed in my office which is next to the lab. I was the only one in office that day. Around 6.40p.m, the telephone suddenly rang. I wondered who will be calling office at time like this. I picked up the phone & heard a man's voice. Without hesitate, he went straight forward by introducing his name & details:-
Hj Jamil: My name is Hj Jamil. Is this armstrong that builds coffin? I want to place an order for one standard size coffin that will be delivered to Indonesia tomorrow by airplane."
Me: I beg your pardon, coffin...what coffin?
Hj Jamil: I am a coffin maker but I got problem handling this one because i have no experience in making this kind of coffin. It has to be bigger than usual one. I need to get it by tomorrow because it's quite urgent. Can you build it?
Me: I'm sorry En Jamil, I think you dialed a wrong no. This is armstrong auto parts but we didnt make coffin. I repeat, we produce auto parts not coffin. Sir, you had dialed a wrong no.
Hj Jamil: Wrong no? I got this no. from website. It said "Armstrong Funeral Service - 04 ******". I dont think I could have dialed a wrong no. You can check on your own.
Me: En Jamil, i'm telling you the truth. We have our own website & we dont do funeral service.
Hj Jamil: Really? I see, coffin & auto parts are two different things. It cannot be...but ...nevermind. Sorry for trouble u. But...
Me: It's ok.
Hj Jamil: Well, thank you...
Me: Ur welcome
Note: I cant help myself laughing for the entire day & did sms all my friends about it. Haha, that was hilarious.
Hj Jamil: My name is Hj Jamil. Is this armstrong that builds coffin? I want to place an order for one standard size coffin that will be delivered to Indonesia tomorrow by airplane."
Me: I beg your pardon, coffin...what coffin?
Hj Jamil: I am a coffin maker but I got problem handling this one because i have no experience in making this kind of coffin. It has to be bigger than usual one. I need to get it by tomorrow because it's quite urgent. Can you build it?
Me: I'm sorry En Jamil, I think you dialed a wrong no. This is armstrong auto parts but we didnt make coffin. I repeat, we produce auto parts not coffin. Sir, you had dialed a wrong no.
Hj Jamil: Wrong no? I got this no. from website. It said "Armstrong Funeral Service - 04 ******". I dont think I could have dialed a wrong no. You can check on your own.
Me: En Jamil, i'm telling you the truth. We have our own website & we dont do funeral service.
Hj Jamil: Really? I see, coffin & auto parts are two different things. It cannot be...but ...nevermind. Sorry for trouble u. But...
Me: It's ok.
Hj Jamil: Well, thank you...
Me: Ur welcome
Note: I cant help myself laughing for the entire day & did sms all my friends about it. Haha, that was hilarious.
With the kids
I took my nieces out last night to Jusco. I wasnt really want to go out because kids, you know..they can be very difficult to control out there in the public. But since it was Saturday, it would definitely be a quite boring day for them if you just stay in the house watching the same cartoon again & again. (Their parent worked on Saturday this week & they had been staying with us since Wednesday.)
Before going out, I have warned them about things they can & cannot do. Amazingly, they said, "Ok Mak Ngah". Fine. I stuffed food, tumbler, diaper, towel, t-shirt, pillow & many more into backpack. "Halo, where the hell was it you wanted to go? Hiking or what?". No lah...I had to because I wasnt all alone. I was with the kids.
At Jusco, I put Hanin in trolly so she wont go anywhere she could have wish to go. Otherwise i could have been charged for being irresponsibility as she lost. Hasya was quite ok & she didnt bother to stop or look at any fancy stuffs along the way to indoor playground. Well, nice playground...I "threw" them there almost 2 hours. It was good to see they were having fun together riding toys, jumping up on huge bounce house, climbing up the bounce castle & sliding down from it. Wooo hooooo!! I wish i could play too.
Before going out, I have warned them about things they can & cannot do. Amazingly, they said, "Ok Mak Ngah". Fine. I stuffed food, tumbler, diaper, towel, t-shirt, pillow & many more into backpack. "Halo, where the hell was it you wanted to go? Hiking or what?". No lah...I had to because I wasnt all alone. I was with the kids.
At Jusco, I put Hanin in trolly so she wont go anywhere she could have wish to go. Otherwise i could have been charged for being irresponsibility as she lost. Hasya was quite ok & she didnt bother to stop or look at any fancy stuffs along the way to indoor playground. Well, nice playground...I "threw" them there almost 2 hours. It was good to see they were having fun together riding toys, jumping up on huge bounce house, climbing up the bounce castle & sliding down from it. Wooo hooooo!! I wish i could play too.
You didnt have to smile dat way..wekk
Playing around
Monday, April 9, 2012
Anger Management

Saturday, April 7, 2012
I got a pic
Gossip gurl
Today, we have to agree that pijado is a good & hardworking gurl though according to Gaga: she isnt born that way. WHY?
1. She tidy up her room, master living room & the kitchen too.
(I see, tell her that she should be doing that every weekend!)
2. She went to market with her mom & bought some groceries, fish & cooking stuffs.
(Owh..we know she loves going to market.)
3. She washed her car too which she never care to do it before.
(That car, he is lucky today!)
3. And she also cooked something called "tempe" for the lunch. It was her favorite.
(Was she out of her mind? She doesn't cook!)
She's insane.
Note: No. No I'm not. I'm just movin on...
1. She tidy up her room, master living room & the kitchen too.
(I see, tell her that she should be doing that every weekend!)
2. She went to market with her mom & bought some groceries, fish & cooking stuffs.
(Owh..we know she loves going to market.)
3. She washed her car too which she never care to do it before.
(That car, he is lucky today!)
3. And she also cooked something called "tempe" for the lunch. It was her favorite.
(Was she out of her mind? She doesn't cook!)
She's insane.
Note: No. No I'm not. I'm just movin on...
Friday, April 6, 2012
Somebody That I Used To Know - Gotye
This is one song that i've download & listen to after Adele's 21 & 19 albums. This is GOTYE (feat.Kimbra) sing " Somebody That I Used To Know". Number one in UK right now. Well, i dont live in UK but i found music industry in UK is quite impressive. In my opinion i think the british, they listen to good music. Enjoy it!
...from Australia
Leave me with the light on
I fell asleep while reading a book around 8.30pm. When i woke up, it was dark in my room. My sister had left me alone in my room with light off. I havent slept in dark room for so long. Every nite you can see light from my room. I'm afraid of dark. I dont like staying in dark place alone. It's hard to sleep with dark shining in my eyes. I used to sleep without having light on but it didnt work. Being in dark place is like one of my fear factors. Whenever you see no light in my room, i might have married ok. Got that?

I heard someone's in the kitchen. I jumped off my bed & turned on the light. It was 1 a.m. My parents, they just come back from ceramah & was having their supper together. I washed my face & joined them with a cup of hot cereal drink + a kue pow. And then we talked & discussed some political issues before they went off to sleep.
So, here i am sticking at my computer & will probably go to sleep in an hour.
Note: No wonder world is getting hotter because of the global warming & someone like youuuu

I heard someone's in the kitchen. I jumped off my bed & turned on the light. It was 1 a.m. My parents, they just come back from ceramah & was having their supper together. I washed my face & joined them with a cup of hot cereal drink + a kue pow. And then we talked & discussed some political issues before they went off to sleep.
So, here i am sticking at my computer & will probably go to sleep in an hour.
Note: No wonder world is getting hotter because of the global warming & someone like youuuu
Thursday, April 5, 2012
You and Cow
Filem keluaran Wanita UMNO pertama...I didnt know. I know the story but didnt know they had it pictured in movie. Oh yea?
Note: If opposition party didnt expose all these, she i mean Shahrizat could have had it all...
Note: If opposition party didnt expose all these, she i mean Shahrizat could have had it all...
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