Sunday, December 14, 2008
A Note
neway, new bumblebee is here...not sure whether i like it or not...
n cube seemed to b getting rid of me..donno y..
wat's wrong w this december hah? teruk, ini bru half of dec...i got to go thru another half mth? duhhh, leceh cam ni...
p/s: xsuke, xsuke, xsuke!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Where is my heart?
Do you know where your heart is?
Do you think you can find it?
Or did you trade it for something
Somewhere better just to have it?
Do you know where your love is?
Do you think that you lost it?
You felt it so strong, but
Nothing's turned out how you wanted
Well, bless my soul
You're a lonely soul
Cause you won't let go
Of anything you hold
Well, all I need
Is the air I breathe
And a place to rest
My head
Do you know what your fate is?
And are you trying to shake it?
You're doing your best and
Your best look
You're praying that you make it
Do you think you can find it?
Better than you had it
Whenever the end is
Do you think you can see it?
Well, until you get there
Go on, go ahead and scream it
Just say it
p/s: Ryan Tedder just line up behind Amy Lee...amazing voice..i've touched by the words...
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Not a stranger
i'll call u later ok
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
don b too sentimental la
remember, it just a just a car plate number...
p/s: nobody knows it but me
Red Alert...
& sometimes i get annoyed with the ppl around me due to their lack of comminication skill...oowh im ****ing hate tht..just seal off ur mouth, lower ur temper... n don say a word...
no one ever said it would b so hard...
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Massa vs Hamilton

gotta stay up tonite to watch live telecast of last 2008 f1 grand prix from interlagos circuit, brazil...wat ive been thinking rite now is, will massa repeat wat Kimi has done in last year? tht sounds almost impossible...but nothing impossible in f1 as u smell the chances of winning the race & rite now, i am hoping tht Hamiton will get into trouble in the last 20 laps :) possible isn't it?
i dont like massa but im with ferrari...none of the drivers can beat schumi...alonso? who is he? u gotta crawl b4 u run man.
gotta go as i dont wanna miss supernatural last episode...oh, i don even get wat director actually want to deliver this time...wat is it, wat is it? the demon? no wonderla coz i skipped so many episodes in de season 2 uh uh uh...sorry dean ;)
p/s: go ferrari goOOOOoooOOOOoooOOOO!!!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
under my breath, i mutterted to myself tht i just want to be a person who is free from self doubt..
p/s: i just wrote watever crossed my mind, or touched me, amazed or even pissed me...
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Viva La Vida
roman cavalry choirs r singing
be my mirror my sword and shield
my missionaries in a foreign field
for some reason I can't explain
once you know there was never,
never an honest word
that was when I ruled the world...
roman cavalry/it's roman catholic (they want to avoid controversy),
story of middle ages between the european nations & the vatican?
also the arab world particularly jerusalem during the crusades...
it's viva la vida for 7610
Monday, October 27, 2008
don worry coz all she would asking u to give is just some french fries & not ur blood ok...uh uh uh terharu i...ini mcm pun ada ka?
note: budak kenit tu nama hasya, my niece
2008 Break Fasting
p/s: the remain bachelors are haku, giant, ros & dare u mazni! huh
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Halal Products
Anyway, im very much proud with HPA Industries Sdn Bhd in their effort of providing people with halal mcm ni lah yg kita patot support!
Who need car?
1. where's ur new car?
2. where's ur Persona?
3. where's ur PJA 4231?
4. bila mau tukar aaaa?
Let me put it this way, "Right now, i don need a new car...all i need is just a car tht can take me from one place to another place"...even though i have money, the idea of having a new car will be at the bottom of my 'must have properties' list okay...i don need new current car - si comot kancil is still gorgeous, so i don c any reason y must i buy a new one...
p/s: looking forward to buy an external hard disk of 350GB model seagate with maroon colour case, who nid car ha?
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Di Pagi Aidilfitri
Kali ini...sedeharhana sahaja...tak ada yg menarik ttg persiapan raya...cuma 2 helai baju kurung...kasut ntah ke mana...i dont want 2 know...Kueh raya? Beli ja...kata emak dengar sahaja... :)
Uniknya, hari raya tahun ni jatuh pd hari birthday haku...ek elehhh...
Selamat Hari Raya bt semua muslimin & muslimat...teman2 seperjuangan dulu2 di Uitm P.Png & Shah Alam, Nikmah timacih bg kad...satu2nya kad yg haku tima tahun nie uh3 :) teman2 senior di AAP & ada yg sudi mengirim sms even last minute...Pak Chot, Wan Fauzi...teman reformasi Amin UTM...teman merapu Steven of Tokyo Boeki Ltd, Samantha the witty of QC Scientific...thanks 4 de wishes & xlupa pd keluarga tercinta serta relatives & the rest of ppl who knew me, im wishing all of u "Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir & Batin"
& thanks to Hotlink for rewarding me with free call (no charge) frm Maxis to Maxis on the 1st Oct 2008...yahoooOOOoooOOOooOOOO...& not to forget Giant, thank u for de wish...
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Update on "I've no idea"
"aku terdiam sepi....
dengarlah matahariku...suara tangisanku..."
alo, matahari shining k...not listening...duhhh
p/s: x ada logika :)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Aku yg malas...
Monday, September 1, 2008
Sizzling hot plate...
Meeting up with giant (kawan aku yg karat...shud run salt spray test i guess)
right now, im not in the mood of eating malay or western more into sizzling hot plate noodles (chineese i guess)...what's better than hot sizzling in this cold weather? so, wat are we doing here in secret recip?
on my way home, i bought char kuey teow & it did help me...& ouchh!! tht is hot huhuee...
& welcome to ramadhan al mubarak 1429H/2008M, the holy month of islam...
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Permatang Pauh (P.44)
Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (KeADILan): 31,195 undi
Hanafi Mamat (AKIM): 92 undi
Datuk Arif Shah Omar Shah (BN): 15,524 undi
Jumlah mengundi: 47,258
Peratus keluar mengundi: 81 peratus
Undi rosak: 447 undi
Majoriti: 15,671 undi
Penyandang: Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Ismail (KeADILan)
Undi diperolehi 8 Mac 2008: 30,348
Majoriti: 13,398 undi
Friday, August 22, 2008
Picture of u
& bla senang tanya khabar pun susah..
malah menyakitkan hati..
susah dlm erti kata sunyi, kesempitan wang & mcm2
senang dlm erti kata d kelilingi oleh org/teman2 lain, rezeki melimpah & mcm2
itu semua gambaran kehidupan...
hakikatnya, ianya adalah jelas dan nyata
i muttered to myself..thank u
p/s: Someone hurt me just now
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
A Warning...
p/s: Hasya, tell ur dad to bring it next week ok...
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Why Tuesday?
Answer: Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya & BN have bad intentions toward the opposition party!!! Well, most of the young & middle-aged voters from Pmtg Pauh work in multinational companies in industrial parks in Penang, Kulim & Sg they try to make it hard for voters who are working on tht least they lower the majority knowing tht they can't beat PKR in Pmtg!!!!
Note: if one were to prevent another from casting vote will be charged under Section 3(N) of the Election Offences Act 1954...So, make sure u know ur RIGHT ok!!!!
p/s: Happy 61st B'day to our democracy leader Anwar Ibrahim...I was there last nite among 10000 crowds...may the force be with you...
Saturday, August 9, 2008
I want to believe
If u are die hard fan of Mulder & Scully then u can't miss watching "I Want To Believe", currently playing in worldwide cinemas...I wont go detail on it bcoz to me it's just such a simple/short drama delivered by Chris Carter & his team...but well done...
Facts abt me & X-Files:
1. i hav been a MASSIVE X-Files fan since 1995
2. have watched re-runs & video recordings more times than i care to remember...(time tuh xdak cd)
3. X-Files poster sticked on the wall inside my room by tht time...kira hebat arrr tuhhh, ceh!
4. i potrayed "the X-files" word on my drawing board (form 5)...
5. i did buy OST of X-Files drama...let me check in my drawer nyeh3
6. people asked me, "Wat is wrong with u ha? I said "the truth is out there..." :)
7. listening to song of Mulder & Scully by British band (i cant recall the name)
8. i cant beliv the fact tht Mulder & Scully are not getting married yet!! my god! Pls Mr Carter...dont let them & ME suffer ok!
Note: I love all their paranoid activities...
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Try this out!

p/s: u cant eat robot ok
Monday, August 4, 2008
A Robot Maniac?
Well, i am rite now...i love robots...i completely obsessed with their physical shape, looks & the mechanical art of designations in robot itself is so so beautiful. I used to hate my Robotics's lecturer where i had to drop the subject coz she was being such a terrible lecturer on earth, i believe so...Anyway, im not into programming but more on design (if i cud choose) yucks!!
I went to Toys R Us on last week searching for Hasbro's Optimus Prime or at least the cool Camaro Bumblebee but both were not there coz already out of stocks...i was so frustrated but suddenly i saw Starscream...hehehhh, tht wont take me too long to have him & there goes my money...No, i'll be okay dude :) Let's c wat i got to show here...
p/s: pening kepala nk transform from robot to vehicle mode, mcm bdk bdk!
Sunday, August 3, 2008 cud i...
I love Joel & Clementine...even now, i'm listening to Beck's Everybody Gotta Learn does remind me to something tht is unexplained here...the song actually brought me to the movie...
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Me + Hot Chicks
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Listen to me...
Seumur hidupku
Setia menanti
Walau di hati saja
Seluruh hidupku
Kau tetap milikku
Hanya satu yang tak mungkin kembali
Hanya satu yang tak pernah terjadi
Segalanya teramat berarti di hatiku
Seumur hidupku
Kau tetap milikku
p/s: mentally exhausted today...suddenly i sing it
Monday, July 7, 2008
Tight Schedule
Afternoon: catched local movie 'Congkak' with my sis & went to sleep again zZZzzZZZZZzzzzz
Evening: zzzzZZZZzzzZZZZzzzZZZz had to refused when mum asking me out for shopping (groceries) well, cheap sales r everywhere mak :) i have no energy at all to walk or even crawling...i cudnt even open up my eyes...
Nite: went to ceramah perdana to meet Anwar Ibrahim...all i can say "this is the best gathering i've ever been to"...didn't knw how many thousands people were there to hear Anwar speech..i did took some photos & will upload it hang on! the cool part was me & my mum, wer crazy yooo!!! dad was there too...this is the clear msg to BN tht we in PENANG will not be blinded by BN latest conspiracy...the number of crowds is enuff to tell Najib tht u'r dead man
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Back to hell again?
Now, BN is attacking PKR using all their weapons...Nothing can stop them to get CUBE except this man - Anwar Ibrahim who is one of the major reasons y they lost 5 states to Pakatan Pembangkang in March general election...tidak mahu mengaku rakyat telah mula beralih sedikit demi sedikit...state of denial...state of denial...wat we've seen on tv is not totally showing the real Malaysian but always be ceramah/kempen & yg byk beckp/bodek r mostly pencacai2 BN...tht's 4 sure...
So, we'r half way turning back...May Allah swt b with us in this great battle of early years of this new millenium...
Tht's just me making my own speculation on the hottest issue today...i'll see u in Seberang Jaya tonight yeeehaahhh :) & to all the there
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Babai Portugal
Portugal kalah ditgn German &
Turki menang penuh dramatic ke atas Croatia
(i watched the match huhueeeeee)
Babai cristiano ronaldo :) & big applause to Rustu Rekber & the turkie team, they not good but 'luck' is what they have...& most important they r not giving up
So, it's went out to 'kebun' while mak is somewhere in Kelantan...made a promise to my sis tht wer going to watch Kungfu Panda in the afternoon & yeahh, it's surely gonna be fun...neway, got to do my laundry first...cube texted me a msg, suddenly it's all coming back to me...something's right behind comes closer & closer...i dont wanna turn...but nothing can stop it...
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Got problem with me or my boss?
Khor & Gan asked "where is Din?" (En Din is my boss)
He got training & he sent me...i was like
"any problem with that?"
this is wat men always jump to conclusion...
we are not meeting on how to dig a grave hole,
but we r up to discuss abt rim flatness & strenght ok.
if u mad at Din, then go & talk to him & not ME...
Gan is factory's manager...always think he smart, huh...nyampah pun ada...kekadang, lain poblem timbul, lain yg dia nk solve...tensen
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
"We can control the oil price if....
Sumernyer rahsia...hmm hampeh
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Perhimpunan Rakyat
So, i've got to go... :) Let's c what they've got to say abt our OIL PRICE!!! I'm sick of Bodowi hokay!!!
c u there!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Hasbro Officially Names Transformer 2 Sequel
Meanwhile, i'm looking forward to buy Special Edition of Transformers DVD huhuee...I went to Speedy Video Store last week & found out the price is RM169.90 :( Duhhh, gilo apo! Neway, the DVD comes with Optimus Prime toy & i cant stand tht!!!! Ths's the problem...There is one & also a special edition but comes without the toy which is a bit cheaper, abt RM 99.90 :( huk huk huk cmana ni..

Shia LaBeouf
So, i would like to welcome u in my life :)

I'm not okay...
I've been blowing my nose since yesterday
U know...those liquid...yawnnnn
It's hurting me when it gets stucked in "the tunnels"
The thing is:-
How do i get my nose to stop running huh?
I run out of tissue..
Any tips?
Today, I'm not ok...i'm not okay :(
Thursday, June 12, 2008
That's me...
wore my uniform & headed to office...
Sky shud meet me in the evening...
:) it was 1/2 day working...
wat did i say in the last post? c...
p/s: u said u want A & in the next 5 mins u'll say tht u want B & in the next 10 mins u go for C but u finally end up with Z...we do know wat we want, dont we?
Being too slow...
I cudnt sleep last nite...i hate it...
I've been working on MQS report for Honda M'sia for the past 2 weeks, i thought i'm done with 2px last week...but my god, i've to struggle with 2ps this week...neway, i've just finished it last nite..& actually i was supposed to put it on my boss table by 5.20pm yesterday, but i cudnt make it since there were too many things tht had not been settled yet...boss was in KL & he got back last nite & will be in Malacca today...& he needs to bring the report to Honda M'sia or else, we all be i went to c him this morning & handed the report to him. We met at Sbrg Jaya around 6.45am..duhh, gila! Ng was with him too i guess..they were on their way to Malacca..i know i'm late...sorry for the least i did it...i'm done with 2ps & 2px (mqs)...the worst part is, i started to like those stuffs tht i've been working with eventhough they almost get me "killed"...well, they certainly did...
However, I realize tht i've been working too slow lately...u know, this time i am really really slow...a turtle or a snail hah??? well, i better pick a turtle :) i can feel it...the focus is gone...gone to nowhere...i donno...i need something tht can be used to "accelerate" the way i think & work effectively...wat wud tht be huh? any gadgets for this?
& i'm not working today...i'm home...home sweet home...
Monday, June 9, 2008
It's the maximum
just to take note tht i dont use it as much as u guys out there do...
& with cube not around i can feel tht it might reach to RM150 in the next 2 months...
i dont care how terrible u r, u keep so many things inside ur brain...u know...all those things...i dont think u, keep "sticking" to me okay!!
Going under?
Dorothy did answer me, but there's the usual awkward moment between conversation...something is missing...what the hell u've been bz with huh? Cube texted me a msg & unfortunately 2100 is dead! Then, i called dorothy...the thermometer but like i said, the awkward moment was god, i can't breath...always confusing the thought in my head...
It's been 2,3 weeks...damn, i dont feel good...i've completely lost my self...the sign is there, i guess i'll be in dead trouble...
Cud u help me find the words tht make me feel better...Cube doesnt need Megatron, that's totally clear...the facts tht i barely sad it was...dont u c it?
u wanna stay in ur sorrow? then u do...u know, im fcuking hate u!!! of course, u don't deserve tht kind of treat but in this case u well deserved what dorothy, bumblebee...cube & whoever did to u! what a pity of u...
Have a little respect for ur self...u've been struggling too much...arghhh...u pissed me off!! u've got to stop living in the past...& look at wat u've got right in front of u...u r so insignificant! Now, how diya expect me to explain? It's been too long...Wake up!
No wonder, the blame is gonna be on me...tht's y im going under...the system is hardly totally out of my mind...
p/s: u'll find dorothy in wizard of oz & those autobots in cool hehhehh :)
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Gasoline price will raise up to RM2.70/litre after this midnite...
I got 5 ferraries line up in my garage...
So, wat am i going to feed them huh?
Wat a's not the pump station tht we shud go to
but it's Pak Lah office...
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Another Wedding

I did SMILE...
I'll work on it by to fix some Mr Transformer's stuff...
It's gonna take time for sure...duhhh
Neway, Bumblebee was here just now...shud say hi to me...
The NO. + Doctor = good enuff...
Actually, i was pretty mad but...i just press the mute button on me...
Then, i smile again... :) Stupid! I have no point at this level...
Got to go, mum is waiting for me...we'r going to Megamall/Sunway Carnival Mall i guess...Get her some cool stuffs...I'll keep my eyes on Optimus Prime too :) & mmmm...latest Barbie doll? Well, Hasya might be glad to know this...Let's c wat ur untie can get for u this time ok!!! At least i try to b a good....wat? some sort of...U.N.T.I.E ??
p/s: i dont think hasya loves
It's Saturday
Today is Saturday...hmm, Saturday? It is one of those happy days when everything just goes right like wat we've planned...or are these sort of things tht we will eventually do:-
1. do laundry
2. washing up
3. cleaning up
4. wiping up
If we intend to do one of those things, then ur Saturday can be ur disaster day as well :) naaa... i dont want to ruin my Saturday! im going out to somewhere, got to treat myself... Indiana Jones is waiting for me to join him & so does the Iron Man...
Yeahhh, let's go out, chill out & have some fun...end.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Go to sleeeeep...
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
A man without face...
Monday, May 26, 2008
Monaco Race...ahhh
How come ur strategy has to be tht way...
i mean, the other teams has started to use the dry tyres &
the track was getting drier & drier...
but u guys out there with the wet tyres...
wat took u so long to make up ur mind tht,
the rain is not gonna come...
the rain didn't come...& it didn't come...
wat a big mistake there...
i hate to lose in has been my favorite track so far...
p/s: i guess, we need a human barometer...wadiya say?
Saturday, May 24, 2008
It's Awesome!!!
I can't believe i missed watching Michael Bay's Transformer last year...that would be such a really really deep frustration...How come u miss the coolest robotic movie ever been made on the earth hah!!!? Right now it's like i cannot forgive myself knowing tht i was supposed to FEEL all the real effects, sound system, perfect wide screen offered by GSC while watching Transformer! That would be totally awesome where i just need to sit back & enjoy the rest of 90 mins without any boring scenes!!! huhueeee now wat? ur childhood cudnt bring back all tht... waaaaaaaaa wat a moron!!
Neway, ive bought pirated transformer dvd :) don worry, i'll buy the original ones lah one day hehehh...well, as u guys know i supposed, it's about the battle of Optimus Prime & Megatron... plus a young guy named Sam Witwicky & his yellow Camaro - Bumblebee... Cube is among of them too...
Don't u dare to tell me tht all these giant robots are only boy's fantasy, gurls do enjoy them too o.k... For example me :) hey, i am obsessed with Mr. Optimus Prime! huhuee... looking forward to go to Toys' R Us to meet him lah. How much Hasbro's Optimus might cost me huh? Hundreds may b?
Well, big applause to Michael Bay & his team...
Monday, May 19, 2008
Hmmm...Is That True???
Umno's ex-president Mahathir had announced tht he is not with the party anymore...
Well, i do believe tht most of Umno people do not expect it's the sort of news tht they would hear today...but this time they have to listen & even see it themselves...must be very disappointed...
If Umno is founded by ME, hahahhh...let's say lah kan...:) one person tht's not going to be in it is definitely Mahathir...i'll fire him before he excused himself...
p/s: I cudn't help giving this little secret smile as i looked at my mother...she has already planned to buy harakah on next month...muaahh
Let Me Introduce...
Why Mr Transfomer? Well bcoz, he can ezily transform to:-
1. Any radio channels tht i want to listen to...
2. My own screen cinema...he can play any movie tht i want to watch, mostly the lapuk one lahh
3. My secretary tht i want to stick to - a sexy guy, he got tattooes on his body...
4. My photo album...those memories inside his brain...i can't stand all tht...but he surely can lahh, he got 120GB...i just let u keep ok...then tht's y i buy u lahhh...wat else do u think? :)
5. Gaming centre for me...may not agree with this at all...laptop isnt suit for gaming!
6. My Network Center - Still learning into all this cyber stuff...
7. The main entrance for me to the outside world...well, he got good cabel tht can link me to all evils of the darkness world :)
8. My database center - all my projects/paperworks/documents are circulating inside him...i'll be dead each time he falls into sickness... :) so, i hired a good doctor named Kaspersky, yeaahhh..something spelled like tht...& it's good to know tht Mr Kasp will be here soon...
U see, he'd done so much!
6 things i like abt Mr Transfomer:-
1. He got tattooes on his body...& its metallic colour does make he handsome maaaa! Haihh...physically sexy duhhhh...
2. His kindness - he got Intel Centrino Duo Mobile Tech...2048MB DDR2 RAM...wat a kind man he is... :)
3. He got Altec Lansing sound system which a person who concerns about sound need it most!
4. He provides me with such a great Entertainment package & it comes with a slim size of multimedia remote control...just clicking on it then u'll have ur own pleasure...hmm
5. He got 15.4 inch screen & it does satisfy my need to wide screen type...
6. Born to Hewlett-Packard, HP...USA
p/s: im gonna love u as much as i one cud split us!
A Reminder
i keep saying this to my self for many times. i love my stupid blog...& i never intend to stop blogging for 2, 3 weeks or even a month like what is happening now. Damn, i dont have any descipline! Not tht i dont want to write, but it's all about me & my boring boring stuff huh
Wait a i know tht things didnt have to be big & dramatic to be put into blog? Just ordinary everyday happening. Tht's wat interests people..does it mean tht other people are going to read about me ha??? let me think of it...hmm...
naaa, i dont think so... :) stop convincing ur self!
p/s: ur system is temporarily down...ohh, im bleeding...
Saturday, May 17, 2008
When u started with B & ended up with Z
I hope i can go to somewhere, may be to private island
& rest my mind from all those *#!%@^ things...
had an ice cream, dark choco. w little bright coloured bits all over it
No longer interested in TV Series...but still into movies..
Ferrari is doing well...thank god
Shabaru told me that aluminium lady is local Dolly Parton...
I did smile...he got sense of humour...
Yusri? tht guy is disgusting but okay...
He claimed tht he knew my brother...i'll be fine...
Thanks to both for helping me out in closing the Sapura audit feedback...
Pretty tired...
End of line
Sunday, April 27, 2008
It's My Dirty Little Secret!
No regret on Yati, a friend of mine (not anymore i guess) coz she doesnt know who i am...& for god sake, i'll keep ur dirty little secret..Neway, have u found wat u've been looking for in ur life? & I bet u'll be a good gurl...
Wait a minute! There's someone who knows abt u...naaaa it's's under control :)

p/s: Shut Up!
Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind
Well, becoz he loves Clementine so much...huk huk....
Listen here....
I need u ur lovin' the sunshine...
Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometimes....this song means a lot to me...& so does the goes the lyric taken from the OST of Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind which is meaningful & ez to be understood:-
Change your heart
Look around you
Change your heart
it will astound you
I need your lovin'
Like the sunshine
everybody's gotta learn sometime
everybody's gotta learn sometime
everybody's gotta learn sometime..mmm..
change your heart
look around you
change your heart
it will astound you
i need your lovin
like the sunshine
everybody's gotta learn sometime
everybody's gotta learn sometime
everybody's gotta learn sometime...mmm..
p/s: Life full of drama...
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
It's About Aluminium (Ingot)...
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
The Distance...
Sorry again...i know i'm doing again..doing what? well, neglecting my friends, i rarely replied the sms-es & i didn't even return the call..Oh god, what a rude *#@^%* i've been...i'm always promising tht i'll contact them all, but so far i haven't...
Top of the list would be my childhood friends Tina, Yon & Aliza whom i haven't met since November last year..& talked about Aliza, i cant beliv tht she passed away on last Saturday after suffering from kidney problem...i still remember the day she treated us with such a great dinner at a restaurant near the beach, always cheers us up...& it's so hard to beliv now tht she's gone...died at the age of 26..i was pretty shocked after being informed by mawaq on tht day..May Allah bless her soul..
To Hafiz & Kadiaq...where the hell hav u been guys? Neway, sory tht i didn't reply & return the sms/call..Ive been bz doing/chasing something tht i don even know..Well guys, at least we can go & have some crazy dinner/lunch together...don bring ur gurls please :) i still owe u tht sushi Hafiz & Kadiaq, i want my grilled siakap/terubok/jenahak...u owe me all tht..
To T, i'll c u this Friday, it has been a while...i'll buy u lunch, just make it happen...
& sorry to all my friends whom ive been neglected & fail to list down here...
Friday, April 11, 2008
Ohh IKEA...
Huhueee...everytime me & my family go to KL, IKEA will be our last pit stop before going back to's like 'a must shop place' for us...Mak & Bapak did enjoy all the displayed items there...from the living room to bedroom, kitchen & finally to bathroom's the quality & its cool, modern temporary design that make IKEA stuffs unique & worthy...we normally spend 3-4 hours at IKEA...& yeahh, we had a really good time there...& i wonder y there is only one IKEA store in M'sia? Y not build one here in Penang huh? :)
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Nim's Island Seaside Shuffle
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Dr.Mahathir - Yg Di Pertua Perkim?
Thursday, March 13, 2008
I Hate 'kk'...
I get the feeling kk upsets me..I had enough with kk..They say tht u'll b in trouble at the end if u not play smart against kk & it's true...Right now i'm thinking of jumping up & down on kk a few times & punching kk in the face whooaaa...Then, when i'd done it, i'd roll kk up like an old carpet & stuff kk in the bin yeahhh! Who the hell cares abt kk huh?
I'm not supposed to be talking about kk here in my blog. Don't be absurd! This blog isn't abt kk, it's about me! I dunno how kk got into this. KK keeps getting into things & from now on I'm going to keep kk out! That'll settle kk ok..
Now i'm back to telling my story, only i don't quite know what to tell...
Now i know y they hate kk so much...almost everyone....kk sucks!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Let The Battle Begin!
p/s: Salam Perjuangan buat brothers & sisters in PAS/PKR