Saturday, May 31, 2008

Another Wedding

Selamat Pengantin Baru bt teman baikku Tina...we've been thru lots of happiness & sadness while we were teens...sharing the same dream...remember the day we took bus to One Utama? the day we ride those crazy machines in Berjaya Time Square? u scared to death!! she's one of my best friends i've ever had in my life...remember the book? u've been asking me abt it since Aliza's death...the book is still with me...u know wat, that's all i have...i'll keep it to the end of my life...the story of five of us...huhuee i miss hang out w u gurls!!! let's c wat i have to show:-

Sama cantik maaaa....

Aku pendek & kemetot & renek :(

Ros yg aku :)

Itu aku & Tina

When will u invite me for dinner huh? ikan bakaq at least? lorrrr :)

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