Morning: shud go to office since Ng wanted to launch 2ps front damper...but no i didnt go coz i was too tired & my nose were blowing & got headache too...thanks coz abg jon was there (i bet u read my msg las net), wat to do ha? of course sleeping...zZzzZZzzzZZZZzzzz
Afternoon: catched local movie 'Congkak' with my sis & went to sleep again zZZzzZZZZZzzzzz
Evening: zzzzZZZZzzzZZZZzzzZZZz had to refused when mum asking me out for shopping (groceries) well, cheap sales r everywhere mak :) i have no energy at all to walk or even crawling...i cudnt even open up my eyes...
Nite: went to ceramah perdana to meet Anwar Ibrahim...all i can say "this is the best gathering i've ever been to"...didn't knw how many thousands people were there to hear Anwar speech..i did took some photos & will upload it hang on! the cool part was me & my mum, wer crazy yooo!!! dad was there too...this is the clear msg to BN tht we in PENANG will not be blinded by BN latest conspiracy...the number of crowds is enuff to tell Najib tht u'r dead man
2.oo a.m: heading to KL to join PROTES gathering in Kelana Jaya sponsored by was my idea actually :) huhueee dad was so cool eventhough he refused to go there at the beginning...however we missed the 'aksi buntot' coz we were not there by the time it happenned...i don know y BN loves to scare Malaysian by saying tht Perhimpunan/Perarakan always coz trouble, havent u see in other growth country how people sending msg to their government huh? look at Britain, Italy...US & many more countries where the local authority have no problem to let their citizens do the demonstration becoz demonstration is actually wat we call DEMOCRACY hokay moron!!!! wer not there to kill each other, but wer there to show how dissappointed we are towards current oil price tht seems to b the real burden for all of us...u kat atas u tau apa moron!!! cikit2 bg persepsi negative ttg demonstrasi...nyampah haku! hello BN, we r new & modern malaysian hokayyyy...

p/s: BN suka nengok rakyat yg jenis dok diam n angguk...jd pencacai bleh la dok dlm BN...hampeh...just get out of there!
Great work.
U see.....u did it again.... kalau nak cakap pasal ketidakbagus sesuatu parti politik u have to see a bigger screen. not just masa Anuar jadi penasihat PKR. The way u write it seem that u never bersyukur kerana dilahirkan di Malaysia. I think if BN tidak menjalankan kewajipan untuk mencari kemerdekaan dengan British... aku rasa anuar tidak akan menjadi seorang yang pandai.... dia tidak akan belajar dekat UM...... maybe he is a farmer kot la nie... and most impotant things is You, yourself is nobody.
who is nobody here? take a look at urself man...i am malaysian & i'm proud to be a modern malaysian & not the kuno one lah mcm u..wer moving 4ward ok not backward moron...duh...who's dis guy? god bles u man...
melantha - TQ so much
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