Mum isn't home for two days. There's nothing to eat for lunch. So, I had to cook. You know, I can go out & buy but I choose to get into the kitchen. This time, I refused to eating out. When I decided to cook, my sis... she laughed at me. "What r u going to cook ha?", & then she added, "Do u know how to cook?" & continue laughing. I said, "Shut up or this pan will go over your head".
I'm not good at cooking. In fact, I don't cook in my life. Really...My mum, she can tell you how many time I went into kitchen. We have like two kitchens, one for dry & the other one is wet-kitchen which is for cooking. You'll always see my mum in wet-kitchen while you'll only see me in dry kitchen. Mum does all the cooking herself. I don't know, I just not into it. I do help my mum but only when she asked... like cutting some onions or leaves before she starts cooking.
I feel sorry for myself that I never cut chicken into pieces..never make curry or sambal tumis in my life. I wonder what my life would be when I'm getting married (owh poor that guy). Well you guys out there, this is going to be the first thing that I would let you know about me. I'm not & never going to cheat on this. I'm not perfect. Obviously, I'll learn about this one day. Don't worry. I just need time. I'm not gonna let this eating me for entire of my life.
I'm not good at cooking. In fact, I don't cook in my life. Really...My mum, she can tell you how many time I went into kitchen. We have like two kitchens, one for dry & the other one is wet-kitchen which is for cooking. You'll always see my mum in wet-kitchen while you'll only see me in dry kitchen. Mum does all the cooking herself. I don't know, I just not into it. I do help my mum but only when she asked... like cutting some onions or leaves before she starts cooking.

But, one thing about me you should know is that I love going to market & buy fish or vegi /fruits or groceries. I enjoy seeing fresh stuff like that. Some of you may not like the smell of raw fish, meats or you know like being in that environment...kind of errkk but I tell you what, I love it (hahah). I touch & roll my fingers on them even though I'm not buying them! Owh god I'm sick! I need to stop...
pastu... apa menunya tuk aritu..... kyun...
sardin cap ayam tu hah :)
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