Tak semestinya aku berkasih..."
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Hue Hue
Tak semestinya aku berkasih..."
Monday, December 24, 2007
What is going on?
Look, i'm not againts marriage institution but i feel like time flies so fast & i'm stuck somewhere in time machine or time frame or watever..i spend my precious hour doing worthless things & when i'm done i wish i had more time which is an absolutely crazy concept! That's the scariest thing about time, it goes by so quickly & i think out of everything that i will ever miss in this world, it will be time...& what i ponder on is the fact that i'm 26th & i'm still single now....duhh!
But don't worry, i'm still the old me while my friends, cousins are wives, wives-to-be, mothers & soon to-be-mothers...oh no no no...
Sunday, December 23, 2007
A Ball + 10 Pins = Drain
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Think about this.
It sucks!!!

Friday, December 21, 2007
Sorry...but I hav NO regrets
What make it more worst, i've been working like #%*# & not enjoying for the past 2, 3 weeks!! Boss had asked me to organize a campaign. Having people working under you as a team actually doesn't help you much in completing ur jobs...i swear to god tht i wont trust this people 100% as wat i did last time tht i cudn't believe myself that these ppl actually exist...u gonna get us all ****** or what huh? it's a bad judgement but it's true...in fact, it happenned...i know! Anyway, thanks to Zaki & Zubir, Zurina & Syam & the rest of QA Dept staffs...well, come to think of it...anything is better than to be alone...patience is the keyword here...nevermind coz work seems to be getting more & more hectic through...
Saturday, December 15, 2007
The word "HAPPY"...
Q1. Ur name please...
ME. Pija...sometimes can be Datin...Fiza also can be....
Q2. O, ok..Ur full name please...
ME. Norhafiza Mohd Zaid...
Q3. Are U happy now?
ME. No, not really...
Q4. Were U happy just now?
ME. Mmmm....yeah, I had just finished chatting with my mother while having breakfast...
Q5. Were U happy yesterday?
ME. Yesterday? Mmmm..I was happy since everything went well...
Q6. Are U sure tht tomorrow U will be happy?
ME. Naa...I donno...I'm not sure...only God knows...Insya Allah (Allah wishes) tht I'll be happy tomorrow...
Q7. Do U know what is "happy"?
ME. Happy? I'm not good at defining terms or words...when I'm happy, tht means I'm fine & I'm okay & sometimes I can be truly happy with my life even just for 5 minutes...I share with the people I love & whisper to my self, "I'm happy & only God knws how happy I am that put me in a special class as many people cannot make this statement...I can't say "I'm happy" when I'm not happy okay..." Now wat else hah?
Q8. Do U know what is "happy"? Answer only Yes/No...
ME. Shut up U moron!!! There...U see...
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
That's The Way It Is...

Sunday, December 2, 2007
Ohh Adikku yg malas...
Saturday, December 1, 2007
To A Dear Friend of Mine...

Saturday, November 24, 2007
Gulai Batang Pisang...
As usual, i woke up late on that day, oh god.. i love sleeping!!! U know, da best place on the earth is definitely our own bed & dat's y i guess i was so liat loh to get off my bed especially on Saturday morning huehue berat gila buntot nk bangun...Well this time i have to...coz i got kenduri kawen to attend...It was Hasna wedding. I texted Mawaq Berduri asked her kul bapo nk pick up aku. Mawaq has been my dear driver for the past 5,6,7,8,9 months. It's a fact, no doubt bout it...(ampun mawaq) But not anymore dis time since Mawaq's place was replaced by a new gojes drebar, Cik Mami Jelutong (dgn kacut tingginyoh duhhh lip lap lip lap bijik mato haku nih!) As expected, 1st to arrive was Giant...she picked me up & we went to Mawaq's house to pick up another 3 nenek kebayen (tua kutuk terkemut2)...who else huh? Mawaq + Mazni aka Bg Maz (she got problem in determining her own species :) + Ros. They are my buddies!!! Lup u guys!
Friday, November 23, 2007
...& though I may have lost my way

Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Ohh Rafael Nadal...

Monday, November 19, 2007
I feel it's wrong not to give u my condolences. I'm sorry for the loss of ur beloved mother who died of cancer yesterday (17th Nov 2007). I truly am. Hope u & ur family will be strong at trying times like this...
"Sesungguhnya dari Dia kita datang, kepada-Nya kita kembali..."
p/s: I'll visit u this weekend, i'll try....& thanx to Cikin
Sunday, November 18, 2007
I Bite My Own Tongue!!!
p/s: dear cats around my house: stop peeing & shitting at de back & in front of my house!!! got dat?
Saturday, November 17, 2007
AAP Customer Appreciation Dinner
Sunday, November 11, 2007
There Goes My Day, My Money & My .....
12.30 p.m - Picked up Giant at Carrefour Sbrg Jaya & went straight to Bkt Myk to send Ana back to her school (my sister). Good luck in ur SPM!!!
1.30 p.m - We went to Juru Autocity for having lunch at The Manhattan Fish Market (instead of my initial plan to eat at Sushi King, since Giant to'ek has sushi "allergies"... duhhh) We had Manhattan Fish & Chip, Allaskan Pollock Chip together with mmm....orange juice & hot chocolate!!! i give them 3.5 out of 5 stars..the hot choc was truly yummy3x...Giant, dia suka the pollock tuh...uh,.a bit fishy...i cud smell them...errrkkk...
3.30 p.m - Left the restaurant & we both went to Sunway Carnival Mall to watch "Stardust"at GSC.... however, the movies wasnt in the showing list on that day...we both sighed coz penat kawe drive sampai cni tup tup xdok...abih petrol aku maaaa...
4.00 p.m - Went to Megamall Pinang & it worth! Giant & i bought 2 movie tickets of Penny Dreadful & Stardust...By de way, watching Penny Dreadful was not in our planning today....
5.00 p.m - Went inside theatre 4 & hell, the movie (Penny Dreadful) was really really sucks!!! Giant cursed me with all sort of ***** for talking to her while watching the movie....shadap shadap :) next time, bring "selotep" bubuh kt mulut aku tau!!! heh hehh
7.00 p.m - Watched Stardust & errrkkk.. xhebat mana pun citer tuh...& there goes my RM14. I made a promise to myself not to watch any crap movies ever again or it will end up like this...duhhh how many times diya hav 2 remind urself huh?
10.00 p.m - Dropped Giant at Carrefour (she parked her car at there)...pot pet pot pet ckit & then I rushed home... & here is some pics taken at The Manhattan Fish Market:-
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
The Night I Met Maisarah....
We went out to nowhere...we have no idea where we were heading to....We talked a lot in car & had so much fun... well u knw, we didnt catch up much since 2 years ago....She's doing part time job as lecturer and working at fitness center somewhere at Bkt Bintang...Until now, i cant imagine u being a LECTURER...garang maaaa!!! Suddenly, she decided to take me to Tasik Titiwangsa...guess wat is waiting us there? Eye of Malaysia is there! It was Mai who seemed very excited to be in "gondola"....Unfortunately, we had to share with a couple...So wat de hell, they got other empty "gondolas"...bagi lah kami ni dudok so that we dont hav to disturb other people privacy maaaaa....duhhh...leceh toi!!! & Mai, she sounded pissed as well....Neway, the night view from eye of m'sia is really amazing...its beautiful...i hav no words to describe it...& plg tension, i didnt bring my digital camera!!! oohhh god....
After flying high in the sky...we landed on the ground safely hehhehhhh...Tht cost me RM15...Then, Mai took me to Pantai Hillpark where she is currently staying there...Wow, wat a nice place to stay huh...We went straight to Uptown Damansara for having dinner at Naili's Restaurant. Ohh god, this is a cool place to hang out with ur friends or perhaps ur gf/bf...the environment was super duper cool...Actually its a beach-style cafe & it has kinda "back to nature" concept...& that's the reason y i felt like i was in Bali i guess....:) We ordered this:
& i wonder, bila tahun kita order Tapai Aiskelim ha Mai? setahu aku yg kta mkn tu tempura calamari rings...xdok pun dlm list..nyanyok toi mamat tuh...mengong thp gaban..duhhh!!!
hmm...after had dinner, Mai sent me back to hotel & she said bubye to me...That was the last time i met her...& Mai, i want u 2 knw dat all the memories i had with u will always be remembered...lorrr, jiwang pulokkk isk!! well, those were the days hue hueeee...im gonna miss u...
p/s: bila pulak hang nk mai penang nih ha? (pics taken frm http://www.nailisplace.com.my/ , aku xbwk camera maaaa!!!)
Monday, November 5, 2007
7 Days Away From Home...

Sunday, October 28, 2007
The Pieces Don't Fit Anymore
I've been twisting and turning in a space that's too small
I've been drawing the line and watching it fall
You've been closing me in , closing the space in my heart
Watching us fading and watching us fall apart
Well I can't explain why it's not enough
Coz I gave it all to you
And if you leave me now
Oh just leave me now
It's the better thing to do
It's time to surrender
It's been too long pretending
There's no use in trying
When the pieces don't fit anymore
You pulled me under so I had to give in
Such a beautiful mess that's breaking my skin
Well I'll hide all the bruises; I'll hide all the damage that's done
But I show how I'm feeling until all the feeling has gone
Oh, don't misunderstand how I feel
Coz I've tried, yes I've tried
Still I don't know why
No I don't know why
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Selamat Pengantin Baru!!!

To Rose & Kechik @ Adry...
p/s: Aku rasa, aku dah jatuh ati dgn Tengganu!!! I'll come back someday...I swear....