Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Two days training

I attended IQA training for 2 days since yesterday. It was held here in our factory. Why is it always in house training? Where have all the budgets gone? Why not next time arrange training somewhere in island resorts huh? Tht sounds good as new environment actually might influence our mood to accept such a new idea or concept & to motivate us to stay in positive mode always.

The trainer Mr Irman is so funny & no wonder I was able to pay attention to all his lectures. Besides that my team had been declared as the best team based on our performance in practical session today. I should be proud of me, shouldnt I? I wont go details on that but as usual I enjoyed all the free dishes I had since the 1st training day. As a result, I overeat & could not eat anymore tonight...but still I had my favorite junk food cadbury's Bytes in my mouth. Hmmm...teruk

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