I'm having trouble thinking of something to write about... U know, sometimes I used to feel boring when someone talks to me & at the same time I dont feel like I wanna go with the conversation becoz im not in the right mood like tired & sleepy but I usually try to show some respectful manner by looking at him/her eyes while they were talking to me. That's what i do to my boss, even my parents, friends & whoever guys out there... I have no idea what they mean & talk about, but hell I just nod my head anyway & go like yeah, yeah yeahh, hhmm, ok, owh ok...right..it is? yes, oic, ic... & many more words that come across my mind...

p/s: at least i try to be polite since i cant shut them up :(
weih pija..
aku tukar url laaa...
saje nak bagi keje kat hang..siler link balik ek..
huh...where de hell hav u been maaa??? aku igt hg bungkus dh blog hg tuh...hmm, nant aku link balik...apekes ni min tukar-tukar pulak, so so so scandalous...
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