Sunday, May 15, 2011

Not a perfect day

Imagine this:

1. The weather that day was pretty hot. Perfect day for hanging clothes. U were hanging out the clean laundry to dry.

2. Suddenly dark cloud began to gather followed by thunder & lightning. There was definitely going to rain soon.

3. U quickly gathered the laundry & hurried back into the house. U felt that there was going to be a storm.

4. Unfortunately U are wrong. The storm clouds passed overhead. The thunder & lightning disappeared. They gone. Then, the sun came out & shining brightly.

5. Seeing that it was not going to rain after all, U once again took out the clean laundry to hang on the clothesline. Fine weather U thought.

6. As U walked into the house, the weather suddenly worsened. From out of nowhere, clouds quickly appeared & rain fell. The rain came so fast that U had no time to gather the laundry.

7. All U can do was to just stand & see ur laundry got wet & shout "ohhh god, help me..".

It just not a perfect day. Not a perfect day. Don never let this happen again. So tired as u all cud imagine. I suggest U stick at No. 3.

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